Variance Application Process
Variance Application Steps:
For variances, once a determination has been by the Code Enforcement Officer that a variance would be required for a proposed project or land use, a person may seek relief from Chapter 250, Zoning of the Town of Sand Lake.
- Obtain and complete an application for either an AREA VARIANCE or USE VARIANCE. Application can be accessed on this website or a paper copy can be obtained from the ZBA Clerk at Town Hall.
Obtain and complete a State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Environmental Assessment Form which can be accessed and completed on the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation at, from this website, or a paper copy can be obtained from the ZBA Clerk at Town Hall.
Submit the application, SEQR Environmental Assessment Form and application fee to the ZBA Clerk by the first Tuesday of the month for consideration at the next ZBA Meeting.
The ZBA will review submitted application materials and determine when an application is considered complete.