Marriage License

To obtain a Marriage License, the couple must apply together, in person, to any town or city clerk in the State NY for a marriage license. You do not have to apply where you reside or wish to get married.

Each applicant must furnish the following documents:
  • A birth certificate showing birth name and names of both parents
  • A photo ID, e.g. Drivers license, Non-drivers ID, Passport, Military ID, Naturalization papers
  • Both parties must at least 18 years of age.  Parent's consent is required for anyone 16-17 years of age.  You can marry at the age of 14-15 if a court grants permission. 
  • If you have been married before, you must produce Judgment of Divorce for all previous marriages
The license is issued immediately, but the marriage cannot occur until twenty-four hours from the time of issue. The license is valid for sixty (60) days. The fee for the license is forty dollars ($40.00).