Town Trails
The Town of Sand Lake Walking Trails, located on Eastern Union Turnpike in the heart of Averill Park, provide the opportunity to hike, stroll, or sit in the picnic area and enjoy nature along the Wynant's Kill stream. Parking is available.
The trail was conceived and developed by citizen volunteers led by the Environmental/Open Space/Recreation Committee through the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. Continued expansion of the trail is envisioned.
For suggestions or to get involved, please use the Contact Us form for the Town of Sand Lake and direct your comment to the Environmental/Open Space/Recreation Committee.
Dogs are permitted on the trails with the following conditions:
- Every dog must be on a leash.
- A permit must be obtained from the Town Clerk who will certify each dog is licensed and has a current rabies vaccination
- All dog waste must be picked up and properly disposed of by the walker.
Walking Trails
There are three individual Walking Trails that all begin at the gate to the left of the parking lot. A total loop not covering the same pathway is approximately 1 mile. All trails have a bench near the middle.
At about 100 yards into the woods, the Yellow and Red trails turn left down the hill toward the creek and the Blue Trail turns right up the hill.
When using the trails, please stay on Town land and do not go on private property or the firehouse training area. These are indicated on the map and are marked on the trail.
Other spots near the Town Trails
About the Area
The land is a drumlin, sloping to a wetlands. (A drumlin is “an extended, oval hill or ridge of compacted sediment deposited and shaped by a glacier.)
The wetlands feature shrub swamp, red maple-hardwood swamp, soft rush, needle spike rush, and water purslane. It features frogs, tadpoles and campeloma snails and there is evidence of beaver. The drumlin is partially forested with a stand of hemlock. Some rare ferns (maidenhair and spleenwort) and mosses are present. The Wynant's Kill stream bed also shows evidence of birds, deer, raccoons.
Drone video shot in 2017 can be found here: Town Trail Video.